D अक्ष वाटर जेट सीएनसी काटि price बिक्रीको लागि d डी वाटरजेट काटि cutting मेशीन

Perfect 5-Axis Waterjet Cutting:
The ACCURL® Go beyond cutting bevels on flat stock - 5-Axis water jet cutting opens up 3‑dimensional cutting abilities at angles from 0° to 90°.and will cut material such as Aluminum, Armor Plate, Brass, Carpet, Copper, Glass, Granite, Leather, Marble, Mild Steel, Plastic, Stainless Steel, Stone, Tile, Titanium. using the water jet high-pressure cutting process to cut material thicknesses from gauge up to 8".


• प्रेसिजन XY अक्ष कडा रूपमा काट्ने तालिकामा माउन्ट गरियो
• कुनै गर्मी-प्रभावित क्षेत्र छैन
• कुनै मेकानिकल तनाव छैन
• Easy installation
• धेरै साँघुरो केर्फ
• माध्यमिक सञ्चालनको लागि आवश्यक छैन
• चिल्लो सतह
विभिन्न सामाग्री काट्न सक्छ
• अत्यधिक विस्तृत भागहरू प्रशोधन गर्न सक्छ
सामग्रीको न्यूनतम हानि
•वातावरण मैत्री
• CE safety specifications
• Fastest cutting speeds and best precision compared to any abrasivejet in the industry and is backed by our exclusive WEIHONG ® Software with real world cutting data
• High efficiency USA Hypertherm pump systems available with operating efficiencies up to 90%.


- 17”LCD liquid crystal display
- DNC on-line working function
- Functions of returning arbitrary point, bending, .
- Function of cutting figure imitation display.
- 80GB memory hard disk
- MITSUBISHI AC servo driver and motor.
-1GB memory card
- Multilingual function(Chinese English ,etc.,)
- Drive-by-wire and hand-hold controller,(according to requests)

सम्बन्धित उत्पादनहरु

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